The City of Tampa is known for its unique connection to the golden age of pirates and is celebrated annually in the Gasparilla Celebrations. Each year the mayor surrenders the city keys to the “invading pirates”. Sol Design Studio was asked to help create a design that embodies these festivities and traditions. The result, an escape to a “Speak-Easy” seaside pirate tavern.
Entrance to the venue is a discreet entry with one red light above the door engaging the patron in the “clandestine” environment. The interior is inspired by such books as Treasure Island and recent pirate movies. The ceiling is reminiscent of a ship’s hold with cargo grills set in the ceiling filtering light into the space. Panels carved with fantastic sea creatures line the seating area. The bar case is fashioned after a classic British shoppe design. Rich leather furniture, dark wood, tufting, model schooners, sea creature skeletons from the ceiling, and many seafaring items from the 1700s treat the eye and touch. The lighting level is purposefully low enhancing the patron’s experience of being in a swashbuckler’s den and enjoying grog or a rum-based indulgence.